What The Rise in Part-Time Employment Means for Your Organization

05.23.24Baylee Davies
Rise in part-time employment and how it effects employers

Part-Time Employment on the Rise: How does this impact your Organization?

Part-time employment trends have seen their share of ebbs and flows over the years. Reasons individuals seek part-time employment vary, just as much as an organization’s reasons for offering part-time employment or not. Some of these changes and trends are consistent, while others rise and fall like tides. There was a time when obtaining full-time positions, along with all of its perks, was ideal. However, that is no longer always the case as the job market isn’t excluded from the inevitable concept of change.
Different groups of employees opt for part-time employment for several reasons.
  1. Remote Opportunities – Employers are still allowing workers the flexibility of remote work. Enough time has passed for organizations to ease up on concerns around employee productivity from home.
  2. Teenagers – After the COVID-19 pandemic, this group of job seekers decided to get to work and haven’t looked back. The increase in hourly wages didn’t hurt either!
  3. The Overworked – Some workers were simply burnt out in their full-time positions. Some part-time workers desire a change of pace, less of a challenge, and less responsibility. Coming from a retail management background, many of the associates I worked with had come from demanding, fast-paced full-time jobs and switched to retail for a little extra money and less responsibility!
  4. Single Parents – The COVID-19 pandemic strikes again! The pandemic had a huge impact on childcare services, and parents felt it. Parents returning to the workforce often opt for part-time work so they can still care for their children.
  5. Retirees – Due to current inflation, baby boomers have re-entered the workforce.
Individuals may also work part-time roles simply to supplement their full-time income, or until a desired full-time job opportunity presents itself. Organizations may have to make some changes as it may be easier to flow with the river, instead of fighting with the rocks. So, what does the current movement look like for employers?
  1. Healthcare – Full-time employment had this going for it at one time. Now, thanks to the Affordable Care Act, companies can extend less expensive insurance to their part-time employees.
  2. Wages – Organizations have also had to consider increasing their hourly compensation ranges, in order to retain employees.
  3. Reduced Hours – Companies may be able to reduce or avoid labor costs by increasing their headcount and providing fewer hours.
  4. Layoffs – Full-time employees are working less than 40 hours a week on average, which could signal layoffs. On the other hand, working more than 40 hours per week could result in excessive overtime.
  5. Limited Commitment – Employees may be less vested in a company as part-time employees, which could lead to high turnover rates, an inability to achieve an organization’s long-term goals, and time and money spent on training and development resources.
It’s also important to note that a rise in part-time employees has an effect on certain industries as well. As previously mentioned, I have a background in retail management. Our business relied heavily on consumers and their purchasing habits. If part-time employment for our company (or headcount) was on the rise, then sales and foot traffic were also showing positive growth. This resulted in more hours for part-time employees, higher compensation, productive employees, flexibility, and an overall boost in morale and employee satisfaction.
In conclusion, being aware of the rise in part-time employment and the reasons why individuals are choosing to go for that job type, are imperative to a company/industry surviving the troubled waters of our current economy. A continued rise in part-time employment could mean more companies offering similar perks as full-time employment, which could motivate other organizations to follow suit. It could continue to cater to the flexibility job seekers now crave due to the pandemic and be more cost-effective for organizations.
A rise in part-time employment could also have a negative impact on its current full-time employees. It’s important for institutions to be aware of the potential for those full-time employees to feel overworked, by picking up any work left over from part-time workers, or for those employees’ hours to be cut to spread enough workaround to part-time employees, as well. The job market is tricky. So it’s significant to recognize and adjust to the flow of the tide.

Looking to add a new employee to your team but unsure where to start? We’re here to help! Learn more about our recruiting services.

SDHR Consulting also provides a range of trainings and team builders that can help bridge the gap between part-time and full-time employees and improve the workplace culture so part-time employees feel more vested. Learn more about our training services and contact us for an introduction call with our Business Development team.

Blog Written By: Tiara Jefferson, Recruiter