HR Toolbox


Tools and Resources to Guide Your Human Resources Policies

This comprehensive list of resources is here to guide you through various HR situations in your business. These resources are categorized based on events your business may go through; Find, Hire, Retain, Terminate, and Laws That Apply to Your Business. These resources may be utilized to remain up-to-date on human resources policy and compliance issues as well as best practices. It is our hope this complimentary toolbox will provide your team with valuable information as well as the reassurance of having our team of HR experts available for assistance, guidance and recommendation.


These resources under the “find” category are intended to help guide you through the hiring process so you can explore best practices and policies.



Certainly, when you put so much effort into finding and hiring the right candidate, it is important to make sure you do everything you can to retain this individual. Therefore, we have provided this list of resources on retaining candidates that will help educate you on various subjects. These subjects include information on anti-harassment, disability, reducing stress in the workplace, and more so you can feel at ease.

Harassment and Discrimination

Workers' Compensation

Workplace Safety




Terminating an employee is an often tough and tense subject, but it does not always have to be stressful. Thankfully, HR services provide you with everything you need to do in order to make sure everything is done correctly. Above all, take a look at these human resources policies that will help you stay in the know when it comes to policies and guidelines for termination.

Laws That Apply to Your Business

At SDHR Consulting, we know that laws can quickly become complex and often confusing. For that reason, we have compiled the below list of resources for your reference. Additionally, we also made this comprehensive reference guide to inform you of the various laws that apply to your business depending on your organization’s size.

California State Agencies

Federal Agencies

State Laws & Regulations

Contact Us

While we hope these resources will help you navigate your HR needs, we understand many issues are complex and unique to your business. Please contact us for expert advice and additional services such as HR Audits, Handbook Updates, Onboarding, Training, and more.