The Importance of Employee Wellness Programs in California’s 

03.13.25Baylee Davies
It is important for organizations to offer employee wellness programs for mental health.

The Importance of Employee Wellness Programs in California’s Competitive Job Market

According to the World Health Organization, Mental Health is a state of mental well-being that enables people to cope with the stresses of life, realize their abilities, learn well and work well. Globally, an estimated 12 billion working days are lost every year to depression and anxiety at a cost of $1 trillion U.S. dollars per year in lost productivity. In essence, mental health is a vitally important and fundamental part of our well-being. Prior to 2020, discussions and awareness around mental health were largely ignored and universally neglected in the workplace. While some might argue that the focus and recognition surrounding mental health in the workplace continues to struggle, others believe that post-COVID-19 pandemic, the recognition of the impact of work-related stress on mental well-being has become a more prominent topic of discussion and concern for both employers and employees in the workplace. Although efforts have been made to reduce the stigma associated with Mental Health struggles, it continues to exist but, by encouraging open discussions and increasing awareness, employees will feel more encouraged and comfortable asking for help and support. 

Now more than ever, employees are seeking employers who prioritize mental health and recognize the importance of stress management and overall well-being in the workplace. A supportive work atmosphere fosters a positive, productive and engaging workforce that benefits not only the business, but the overall company culture and positively impacts employee engagement. When employees feel understood and supported, their morale and job satisfaction tend to increase, along with productivity and retention. 

Accepting the importance of Mental Health in the workplace is the first big step, but implementation and execution of resources, training and policies that support the initiatives are imperative. While employee wellness programs do have a number of positive benefits, including less absenteeism, increased productivity and employee satisfaction, along with proven healthcare benefits and a reduction in healthcare costs, it is important to note that there are a number of options available so choose wisely.  

There is not a one-size-fits-all standard when it comes to offering mental health and wellness programs in the workplace due to the diverse needs and dynamics of your workforce. When promoting mental health and wellness, employee engagement and inclusion in the process allow for a sense of ownership and ensure that the wellness programs are tailored to the specific needs and preferences of the workforce. While some employees may value flexibility and work-life balance, others may prefer training opportunities and counseling resources, so understanding these important factors will make all the difference when it comes to supporting and ensuring the well-being of your employees is being met. 

Building a company culture supportive of employee mental health is critical and there is no better time than the present to take action by implementing initiatives and programs that will increase employee’s overall wellness. 

If you want to promote mental health and attract a more satisfied and healthy workforce, we encourage you to consider what works best for your organization. Empowering employees and making their health and happiness a priority can be executed through any of the following small or sweeping initiatives.

  • Financial wellness programs and retirement planning tools
  • Stress management workshops
  • Disease management programs
  • Volunteer opportunities
  • Gym memberships or on-site gym facilities
  • Access to health risk assessments, health screenings & checkups
  • Training and education opportunities
  • Team-building activities
  • Flexible work arrangements
  • EAP programs and/or counseling services 
  • Training opportunities for managers to better support their employees and empower them to contribute to a mentally healthy workplace
  • Employee recognition
  • Wellness challenges
  • Create a wellness committee 
  • Be up to date on the Federal and State legal requirements involving leaves and disability
  • Celebrate Mental Health Day

The workforce of today has significantly evolved and it is important for organizations to realize that in order to retain and attract top talent, a shift in company culture that values and invests in the overall wellness of employees is a key component to business success. 


Need one-on-one support tailored to your unique organization? Contact us for a complimentary 30-minute introductory call.

Author: Marsi Harris, HR Consultant