It is very important in the recruitment industry to try to stay current and on top of the latest trends to keep you moving in the right direction as a successful recruiter and recruitment firm. We’ve taken a look at the current situation and put together our list of what’s making big changes in this industry as we know it.
Below are 4 of the top trends that are changing the recruitment landscape around the world:
Video Screening
Video screening has become an effective tool for recruiters to get to know their candidates and know what they’re “selling” to their clients. It helps in getting to know their professionalism, soft skills, and how quickly they can answer technical screening questions.
In the US, there has been an increasing negative trend where at times the person interviewing for the job with your client isn’t always the person who shows up for the first day of work. Video screening can assist in eliminating this type of “bait and switch”.
There are multiple free tools that you can utilize to video screen candidates including: Google Hangouts, Skype, and WhatsApp just to name a few. These video screening tools are also helpful for US recruiters to reach out to candidates in other countries and do so for free.
Candidate Experience
Positive candidate experience is key in attracting the most qualified talent as well as maintaining a very positive reputation in the industry.
Research has recently shown that candidates are wanting to work only with recruiters and recruitment firms who treat them as you would treat your “best client”. Treating candidates as professionals who are in a mutual business relationship with you builds a positive experience and mutual respect versus treating them as just another “number”.
To achieve this, be sure to keep open lines of communication with your consultants as well as stay knowledgeable about possible changes in their employment search, changes in their search priorities, and be sure to respond to their requests for updates regarding their candidacy with your clients. Follow up and communication can be key!
Mobile Recruiting/Social Media
As we all know, technology is constantly changing including in the recruitment industry. Utilizing social media and mobile recruiting apps have now become the norm.
Having a separate business or “professional” profile on various social media websites can increase your odds of attracting the right candidates as well as giving you the ability to reach many more qualified candidates, particularly in the IT/technical fields.
Twitter and LinkedIn are now key mobile/social media tools used in recruitment today to try and reach as many qualified candidates as possible. These tools also help keep you connected to past and future candidates by building and maintaining your network. Studies have shown within the past year that 94% of recruiters now recruit and network on social media.
Having this online presence is a valuable key to a recruiter’s success. Using Facebook can also assist you in gaining valuable insights in studying your candidate audience. Hashtag utilization on these mobile sites can also be a useful tool to try and draw the attention of tech savvy candidates.
Employer Branding
What people say about you as a recruiter and your recruitment firm is very important in drawing in top talent.
Reputation is what encourages longevity in the recruitment business. One sure way of gaining and keeping a positive reputation is positive employer branding. Websites like Glassdoor have been utilized for the past few years by current and former employees to “rate” or comment on the pros and cons of working for and with certain organizations.
A positive review or presence on sites like Glassdoor can help you gain insight into how prospective candidates and employees will view you and whether or not they will want to work with you. Remember, while it is impossible to please all of the people all of the time, negative or mediocre comments regarding your company need to be addressed as soon as possible in order to maintain a positive employer brand.
Creating an employer branding video can be helpful in showing future talent who you are and what you’re main goals are as an organization. Employer branding and recruiter reputation can be affected positively or negatively on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Glassdoor, and Instagram to name a few. So always keep in mind, what you choose to put out there as your brand on the internet can make or break your success.
These are just a few of the recent recruiting trends that are changing the landscape in our industry. Following these trends and staying on top of them can increase the odds of successful candidate recruitment. Because it has become a job seeker’s market, these trends can help you beat out your competition in the eyes of top talent.
With thousands of recruiters and recruitment firms in the US alone ranging from small boutique specialty shops to large Fortune 500 firms, keeping up with the latest recruitment trends will increase your ability to keep up with your competition if not beat them to the top talent increasing your job placement ratios guaranteeing success.